ENG-general news

The project with the title “Sinking inequality: Business startup motivation and business growth in female entrepreneurship(G.E.N.E.SI)”, that is co financed under the programme GR07 Academic Research -EEA Grants 2009-14 , has recently published an article

gynaikeia epixeirhmatikothtaThe project with the title “Sinking inequality: Business startup motivation and business growth in female entrepreneurship(G.E.N.E.SI)”, that is co financed under the programme GR07 Academic Research -EEA Grants 2009-14 , has recently published an article in the Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. (pdf)


consultation Norway Grants 2014 2021


The EEA and Norway Grants represent funding from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to 15 EU countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics. A total contribution of €2.8 billion has been agreed for the funding period 2014-2021.

The cooperation on the EEA and Norway Grants builds up new momentum today with the launch of a public consultation on the draft ‘Blue Book’ containing the agreed priorities for the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021. The consultation is open until 8 July 2016.

Give your input and find out more here: www.eeagrants.org/BlueBook